2D holography master origination just has one layer hologram image,. It doesn't have any other layers other than on surface. 2D hologram has several color hologram image or text on surface, without "virtual depth", but very shining, especially, it's big rainbow area. Most of flip-flop effect and most true color image is 2D on surface because it has best shininess.
2D design has one layer hologram image on surface which is made up of one layer two dimensional images. The images are assigned different colors and position in one layer. It just has only one layer, without visual hologram depth as 2D/3D hologram. But 2D hologram text and image can be very shining, colorful, especailly small font text is very clear all hologram image and text is on surface.

This 2D hologram has one color for surface and one color for background

2D hologram design can make text and image very shining, color and clear. Also have running no.

This 2D hologram has three color that we use swiching techniqe to make movement between hair and text.

This 2D hologram has one color.

This 2D hologram has one color.
